Friday, January 29, 2010

Green Project

Projects which are considered to be environmentally friendly are known as green projects all over the world. Most of these projects aim at protecting the environment by opting for alternative sources of energy vis-à-vis the combustion of fossil fuels. The green projects have attracted the attention of the governments’ world wide and are encouraged actively. A number of tax saving measures as well as other advantages are being offered to companies eager to initiate a green project.

Solar farms are perfect instances of a green project as they do not pollute the environment at all. They are also known to reduce the dependency on the more conventional power sources and can actually be a profitable means of supplying electricity generated through the solar panels.

A company engaged in building eco friendly structures can become an economically viable green project as well. Using natural materials along with minimizing the emission of harmful fumes and eliminating the waste products entirely succeeds in saving the environment from pollution that one normally associates with a building site.

Organic farms and organic clothes manufacturing are other ventures that can be initiated on a small scale without having to invest millions of dollars into the project. With the governmental and international assistance pouring in for these eco friendly projects, the green police encourage you to switch your business to a green project which will undoubtedly help you prosper.

Green Fashion

Right now nothing is more in vogue than flaunting that you care about the environment and the planet at large! If you are thinking of incorporating something new into your wardrobe this spring think green! Here are a few tips on green fashion to help you get sorted and keep you posted about what’s hip while staying green.

Everyone loves to go shopping so that one can get a feeling of renewal. While it feels great momentarily to bring home a brand new outfit, we tend to forget about how our purchase can have long term impact on the environment. This is especially true for clothing that are a product of mass produce: the use of harmful chemicals in the form of pesticides for growing cotton alone accounts for almost 25% of the total pollution, add to this the emissions that are a byproduct of the mass manufacturing process, the energy utilized for the transportation as well as the toxic waste it will leave behind when they are finally disposed off or dumped in the landfills. So how does one go about to gets this new feeling without having to buy anything new?

The green police believe that pone way of doing this, is to get imaginative and redesign some of the pieces of clothing that we no longer use. For instance you can convert an old pair of jeans into a skirt or shorts or even into capris. You can you can convert your old sweater into a new style by simply unraveling the old one and re- knitting it. You can even dye a particular outfit in a new color or even sew a purse from patterned clothes.

Another interesting option for green fashion is to opt for a cloth swap between friends. You can exchange clothing items or accessories among friends so that it can offer a sense of newness to all of you without having to purchase stuff.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Global Warming Solution

The global warming is a term that is oft discussed with no visible signs of an effective global warming solution in the offing. However, it is imperative that we wake up to the fact as soon as possible and try addressing the serious concern of global warming now. While it is evident that the developed nations have a large responsibility in clearing off the mess that they had created in the first place, we cannot remain unconcerned either. Each of us needs to contribute in our own way towards the cause thus eliminating the carbon footprints from our atmosphere completely.

It is best to start by looking at the whole problem objectively. The green police pose the question: What is the most effective global warming solution? There are in fact, quite a few of them available. We can make walking a part of our lives which will help us to minimize the usage of harmful fossil fuels in our cars. The physical exercise will have an overall impact on our health as well. Planting trees or shrubs in our garden will enhance the greenery around us, thus, protecting us from the terribly polluted atmosphere outside. Using natural or recyclable materials in our day to day life will help us to find a global warming solution easily as well.

Environmental Politics

Several countries have established committees that look after the laws for the protection of the environmental after the conference held by the United Nations on the environment and its development in 1992. In the 21st century, most of the countries in the world have responded to the strain on the natural resources which were caused mainly due to their economic development, with a greener plan for development and urbanization that are based on a sound eco-friendly strategy. Now, most of these countries also take into consideration the possible safety and environmental impacts of their decisions, when dealing with projects for development and those concerning the management of these facilities.

But despite these measures to protect the environment, environmental politics pose a great threat to its application. This is particularly true for the countries that contribute to the maximum of damage to the environment due to their poor environmental policies but yet refuse to tow the line. According to the green police, these countries play an important role in the field of environmental politics and use their political might to bypass the main issues while continuing to pollute the environment with the emission of the harmful green house gases. In addition to these countries there are certain influential multinational companies that play a vital role in environmental politics. These companies continue to flout the laws and regulations regarding the environment to safeguard their own interests.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Environmental Degradation

The term environmental degradation is used to refer to the decline in the state of the natural environment owing to the contamination of soil, water and air, the extinction of wildlife, the decreasing reserves of fossil fuels and the deteriorating condition of the ecosystems. The United Nations constituent High Level Threat Panel has declared it as one of the ten threats to the existence of all living forms.

According to the green police, there are several reasons for environmental degradation. Human beings have not been judicious with their use of the natural reserves of fossil fuels and this has led to a vast drop in the fossil fuel reserves. Further exploitation of these sources can lead to their complete exhaustion.

Human activities have not spared forests and therefore led to the gradual waning of natural habitats of wild animals. Moreover indiscriminate hunting and poaching of wild animals for their meat and hide has also led to the extinction of some species of wildlife and brought others almost to the brink of destruction. These activities have had a huge impact on the natural ecosystems and have contributed to the overall environmental degradation.

The recent times have witnessed a widespread awareness about environmental degradation and there have been attempts to heal the damage to an extent.


Desertification is a worsening condition where the amount of precipitation and availability of water reduces to an extreme level. This condition is generally spotted in the dry sub humid areas and it is the climatic extremities that bring about such deteriorations. Chiefly the man made activities give rise to desertification in an area.

The obvious causes of desertification are over exploitation of ground water, deforestation, over grazing, salinity and bareness of land and excessive consumption of water in an area due to the increase of industries and population. The climates of the deserts are always extreme and mainly two types of deserts are found in the world namely the cold desert and the hot desert. Both plant and animal life is ill developed in the deserts. Desertification is a growing concern in the world today because more and more of land is loosing the nutrients and is turning out to be infertile. It is highly risky to allow the progression of desertification as these areas are nothing but waste lands.

Planting of trees would not only prevent soil leaching and salinity but also stop soil erosion. Methods of subsistence farming or slash and burn should be stopped. The green police urge that overgrazing should be avoided. Man made water supplying systems should be used instead of underground pumps. Desertification is considered to a serious threat to the biodiversity. Therefore the slaughter of trees should be the primary thing for mass scale reduction. Artificial enrichment of the soil is necessary in these extreme situations.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sustainable Living

Sustainable living promotes a lifestyle that aims to diminish the usage of natural resources and adopts a more environment friendly style of living. The idea of sustainable living is greatly correlated to the concept of sustainable development.

Sustainability implies making the present better without compromising on the resources that our future generations are going to bequeath. The green police encourage sustainable living and a life that reduces environmental degradation, reduces the use of natural resources, and preserves biodiversity and the ecological balance and so on.

Few of the things that are incorporated into sustainable living are use of renewable energy resources like solar energy and wind or hydro power energy, using alternative means of transportation that reduces the emission of carbon containing gas, recycling, reducing pollution of any kind.

Sustainable living requires understanding the symbiotic relationship that exists between the different organisms on the planet and conserving the species of living organisms to preserve the environmental balance.

Using sources of energy that replenish over time, making the environment greener and cleaner, allocating the resources appropriately so that sustainable development takes place over time are all a part of a sustainable lifestyle. They make our present cleaner and promise a cleaner and healthier environment in the future. Take part in the process of sustainable development and guarantee a better future to the forthcoming generations.