Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sustainable Living

Sustainable living promotes a lifestyle that aims to diminish the usage of natural resources and adopts a more environment friendly style of living. The idea of sustainable living is greatly correlated to the concept of sustainable development.

Sustainability implies making the present better without compromising on the resources that our future generations are going to bequeath. The green police encourage sustainable living and a life that reduces environmental degradation, reduces the use of natural resources, and preserves biodiversity and the ecological balance and so on.

Few of the things that are incorporated into sustainable living are use of renewable energy resources like solar energy and wind or hydro power energy, using alternative means of transportation that reduces the emission of carbon containing gas, recycling, reducing pollution of any kind.

Sustainable living requires understanding the symbiotic relationship that exists between the different organisms on the planet and conserving the species of living organisms to preserve the environmental balance.

Using sources of energy that replenish over time, making the environment greener and cleaner, allocating the resources appropriately so that sustainable development takes place over time are all a part of a sustainable lifestyle. They make our present cleaner and promise a cleaner and healthier environment in the future. Take part in the process of sustainable development and guarantee a better future to the forthcoming generations.

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