Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Environmental Problems

The green police state that Environmental problems can be of many types like physical, chemical, biological, mechanical and psychosocial. The physical problems are caused by environmental processes like volcanism, solar effect, plate movements and so on. The chemical problems are both natural and human imposed. Natural processes like exfoliation, rust, biodegradation and several others are part of the environmental phenomenon but the anthropogenic effects like acid rain, ozone hole are widely creating environmental problems.

These causations are damaging several heritage buildings of the world and disturbing the overall balance of the nature. The stratospheric ozone layer protects life on earth and its progressive depletion by almost 70% is ushering environmental problems in the form of fatal health issues in the mostly human and few in animals. The increase of carbon di-oxide is creating difficulties like global warming, temperature imbalances, reduction of oxygen gas.

The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 of Australia was taken to look after the heritage properties, threatened communities and species, migrating species, wetlands,etc. Such acts are seriously researching the better ways to combat the Environmental Problems. Endangerment has become uncontrollable for many species. Aquatic population is interfered negatively because of the decrement in the number of planktons. Harmful emissions from the factories are polluting the air everyday and causing dangerous environmental problems.

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