Monday, January 25, 2010

Green Leaders

For a long period environmentalists have struggled to act against business executives who have always complained that the tremendous cost of cutting carbon emissions could hurt jobs and can negatively affect the profits. But after a long time some companies have found out that reducing greenhouse gas emission can make monetary sense.

According to the green police, many major companies find they are able to lower their carbon emissions and their cost at the same time implies that government regulations of greenhouse gas emissions may not be that expensive. On the other hand establishing more government regulations could speed up wider adoption of these corporate best practices, which in other cases would have taken years to spread across the economy.

The ability and willingness of the companies to cut down the rate of carbon emissions on their own suggests that conducting voluntary actions may be more effective than environmentalists have predicted. At this point, there is no necessity of governments heavy hands as it once seemed. The companies which are reducing their carbon emissions can be referred to as companies with green leaders.

The companies that have been able to cut down emissions and save money doing it at the same time are run by leaders who help foster the growing consensus among businesses that we find an economically and politically viable set of standards and the leaders who are setting the standards for other leaders to follow are green leaders.

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