Thursday, January 28, 2010

Environmental Politics

Several countries have established committees that look after the laws for the protection of the environmental after the conference held by the United Nations on the environment and its development in 1992. In the 21st century, most of the countries in the world have responded to the strain on the natural resources which were caused mainly due to their economic development, with a greener plan for development and urbanization that are based on a sound eco-friendly strategy. Now, most of these countries also take into consideration the possible safety and environmental impacts of their decisions, when dealing with projects for development and those concerning the management of these facilities.

But despite these measures to protect the environment, environmental politics pose a great threat to its application. This is particularly true for the countries that contribute to the maximum of damage to the environment due to their poor environmental policies but yet refuse to tow the line. According to the green police, these countries play an important role in the field of environmental politics and use their political might to bypass the main issues while continuing to pollute the environment with the emission of the harmful green house gases. In addition to these countries there are certain influential multinational companies that play a vital role in environmental politics. These companies continue to flout the laws and regulations regarding the environment to safeguard their own interests.

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