Thursday, January 21, 2010

Climate Change Concerns

Climate change concerns are global and are definitely one of the major issues of the modern world. It refers to the change in the climatic patterns of the globe. Research shows that climate change poses as a serious threat to the environment. Some of the effects of climate change are the gradual melting of polar caps, rise in the sea and ocean levels, subsequent floods, irregular precipitation hampering food production, etc.

The green police believe that awareness is the key to success when it comes to stopping climate change. Many nations have understood this and are taking steps to spread awareness about the cause, effect and possible ways to stop climate change. The most important thing necessary to forestall climate change is to cut down on the emission of greenhouse gases that contribute to the warming of the earth’s atmosphere.

Everyone needs to take up the responsibility of stopping climate change. You can do your part by adopting certain changes in your life. Choose to save resources; this could be done if you opt for reusable or recycled articles of daily use. You could use renewable sources of energy like solar or wind energy thus saving on the depleting non-renewable natural sources of energy.

The United Nations Environment Program works towards the goal of putting an end to the threat of climate change.

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