Thursday, January 28, 2010

Global Warming Solution

The global warming is a term that is oft discussed with no visible signs of an effective global warming solution in the offing. However, it is imperative that we wake up to the fact as soon as possible and try addressing the serious concern of global warming now. While it is evident that the developed nations have a large responsibility in clearing off the mess that they had created in the first place, we cannot remain unconcerned either. Each of us needs to contribute in our own way towards the cause thus eliminating the carbon footprints from our atmosphere completely.

It is best to start by looking at the whole problem objectively. The green police pose the question: What is the most effective global warming solution? There are in fact, quite a few of them available. We can make walking a part of our lives which will help us to minimize the usage of harmful fossil fuels in our cars. The physical exercise will have an overall impact on our health as well. Planting trees or shrubs in our garden will enhance the greenery around us, thus, protecting us from the terribly polluted atmosphere outside. Using natural or recyclable materials in our day to day life will help us to find a global warming solution easily as well.

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