Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Organic Farming Practices

Organic farming
practices are the combination of the knowledge of ecology and technology with conventional farming methodologies based on natural biological processes. Organic farming methods are a part of Agro-ecology. While a traditional farmer uses synthetic fertilizers, the organic farmer uses natural pesticides and fertilizers.

Organic farming practices include organic pest control, green manures, crop rotation and mechanical cultivation. All these processes are used in the natural environment so that the agricultural productivity can be elevated.

One of the distinctive characteristics of organic farming is crop diversity which basically signifies growing multiple crops at the same place commonly known as Poly-culture. Implantation of various kinds of crops in the same area benefits insects and soil micro-organisms that add up to the health of the farm. The balance needs to be maintained and should be dealt with proper expertise of organic farming practices.

According to the green police, biodynamic farming is an extended procedure and is a kind of an organic farming system. There are various other kinds of approaches like agro-ecologic system which focuses on imbedded organic farming techniques.

Organic farming practises provide benefits like improvement of soil, pollination, fertilization, water conservation and season extension. These advantages create cumulative effect on the health of a farm.

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