Friday, January 22, 2010

Environmental Activist Group

Environmentalism is a social movement that strives to influence political thoughts and processes to protect the environment, natural resources, and the delicate ecosystems. An environmental activist group is spurred by this philosophy and its mission is to rid the world of the evils of global warming and climate change, initiate wildlife conservation efforts, and encourage practices to save the fast dwindling natural resources. The battered world of today needs environmentalism to breed roots and environmental activist groups to flourish like nothing else.

An environmental activist group employs various methods to achieve its mission–lobbying, organizing protest demonstrations, raising public awareness, and educating the masses about various environmental concerns. Their methods are non-violent in most instances; directly confrontational in some cases; and destructive like vandalizing property and forcibly releasing caged animals, in extremely rare cases.

According to the green police, an environmental activist group may be a global entity, a national, regional, or a local body. It may be funded by the government or a private non-governmental organization. Whoever be the authority, the group should owe allegiance solely to the causes at hand. Many environmental activist groups are at loggerheads with governments or corporate bodies over the many environmentally destructive practices advocated and practiced by the latter. So citizens of the world should pitch with their support as an environmental activist group takes on the challenge to make the planet green.

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