Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Environmental Activism Groups

Protecting the environment has been the topic of debates raging around the globe for quite some time. However, most of the world has seen light and have come together in order to save the earth from the disastrous effects of an unduly polluted atmosphere. This has been made possible due to the untiring efforts of a handful of environmental activism groups such as the green police. The effort is highly commendable all the more so because it had to fight against the powerful lobby of industrialists who were keen to continue with the rapid industrialization process unhindered.

The environmental activism groups continued unabated with the singular aim of preserving the environment for future generations. The biofuel as a form of alternate energy as well as the organic food grown by natural means helped to influence the common people of the beneficial effects of the movement. The movement gained ground as a majority of the governments around the world began to take notice and formulate regulations that aimed at cleaning up the environment. The Earth Day that was observed on April 22, 1970 by the environmental activism groups tried to inform the general people on the dangers of continuing to pollute the environment without paying heed to the perils of future.

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