Monday, January 18, 2010

Endangered Animals Info

The cries of the homeless will move you to tears. The look of fear in the eyes of one hunted will send a chill down your spine. Endangered animals info is heart-rending and terrifying, all at the same time. Deforestation and widespread climate changes lead to loss of habitat and food source for the wild animals. Poaching and the practice of using animal body parts in traditional forms of medicine have led to animal populations dwindling all over the world.

Take a look at these endangered animals info nuggets. There are more than 1,000 species of endangered animals worldwide. The lists brought out by the various wildlife conservation agencies state that there are more than 6,500 threatened species of vertebrates and about 2,000 threatened species of invertebrates. They list 253 species of fish as critically endangered. Throughout the course of history of the world, 38 species of mammals are known to have become extinct.

About 50 percent of all animals in the world dwell in tropical rainforests. These forests themselves are facing a massive loss in numbers and acreage. And hence all the animals living here are threatened to some degree or the other due to loss of habitat and food source.

The green police state that endangered animals info is true and it is chilling even to imagine what these statistics take a turn for if we do not step up our conservation efforts.

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