Friday, January 29, 2010

Green Fashion

Right now nothing is more in vogue than flaunting that you care about the environment and the planet at large! If you are thinking of incorporating something new into your wardrobe this spring think green! Here are a few tips on green fashion to help you get sorted and keep you posted about what’s hip while staying green.

Everyone loves to go shopping so that one can get a feeling of renewal. While it feels great momentarily to bring home a brand new outfit, we tend to forget about how our purchase can have long term impact on the environment. This is especially true for clothing that are a product of mass produce: the use of harmful chemicals in the form of pesticides for growing cotton alone accounts for almost 25% of the total pollution, add to this the emissions that are a byproduct of the mass manufacturing process, the energy utilized for the transportation as well as the toxic waste it will leave behind when they are finally disposed off or dumped in the landfills. So how does one go about to gets this new feeling without having to buy anything new?

The green police believe that pone way of doing this, is to get imaginative and redesign some of the pieces of clothing that we no longer use. For instance you can convert an old pair of jeans into a skirt or shorts or even into capris. You can you can convert your old sweater into a new style by simply unraveling the old one and re- knitting it. You can even dye a particular outfit in a new color or even sew a purse from patterned clothes.

Another interesting option for green fashion is to opt for a cloth swap between friends. You can exchange clothing items or accessories among friends so that it can offer a sense of newness to all of you without having to purchase stuff.

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