Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Green Environment

What is green environment? If the balance of all components of the earth is maintained well the result would be a green environment. According to the green police, environment may be defined as the things that occur naturally on our planet. This includes both living and non-living things. Enhancing the green component, i.e. the green plants, of the earth is sure to help in achieving a green environment.

The initial balance of nature was affected by the rapid development of the human race and the subsequent clearing of the forest making way for human habitat. The green environment was further affected by pollution. These have adversely affected the balance of nature and are sure to have immediate and far-reaching consequences. The chief concern of the modern world centers on this particular issue.

There are definite ways in which the green environment can be achieved. The earth could retain its green environment if each individual is aware of his or her responsibility towards their home. The focus should be on reducing the consumption of things that require plant resources for manufacturing. Take for example, paper; it is one of the common articles of use and is made from plants.

Only reduction of use won’t be of help; you need to reuse and recycle as well. This would ensure that trees are not felled at random. Only then would it be possible to achieve the objective of a green environment.

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