Friday, January 29, 2010

Green Project

Projects which are considered to be environmentally friendly are known as green projects all over the world. Most of these projects aim at protecting the environment by opting for alternative sources of energy vis-à-vis the combustion of fossil fuels. The green projects have attracted the attention of the governments’ world wide and are encouraged actively. A number of tax saving measures as well as other advantages are being offered to companies eager to initiate a green project.

Solar farms are perfect instances of a green project as they do not pollute the environment at all. They are also known to reduce the dependency on the more conventional power sources and can actually be a profitable means of supplying electricity generated through the solar panels.

A company engaged in building eco friendly structures can become an economically viable green project as well. Using natural materials along with minimizing the emission of harmful fumes and eliminating the waste products entirely succeeds in saving the environment from pollution that one normally associates with a building site.

Organic farms and organic clothes manufacturing are other ventures that can be initiated on a small scale without having to invest millions of dollars into the project. With the governmental and international assistance pouring in for these eco friendly projects, the green police encourage you to switch your business to a green project which will undoubtedly help you prosper.

Green Fashion

Right now nothing is more in vogue than flaunting that you care about the environment and the planet at large! If you are thinking of incorporating something new into your wardrobe this spring think green! Here are a few tips on green fashion to help you get sorted and keep you posted about what’s hip while staying green.

Everyone loves to go shopping so that one can get a feeling of renewal. While it feels great momentarily to bring home a brand new outfit, we tend to forget about how our purchase can have long term impact on the environment. This is especially true for clothing that are a product of mass produce: the use of harmful chemicals in the form of pesticides for growing cotton alone accounts for almost 25% of the total pollution, add to this the emissions that are a byproduct of the mass manufacturing process, the energy utilized for the transportation as well as the toxic waste it will leave behind when they are finally disposed off or dumped in the landfills. So how does one go about to gets this new feeling without having to buy anything new?

The green police believe that pone way of doing this, is to get imaginative and redesign some of the pieces of clothing that we no longer use. For instance you can convert an old pair of jeans into a skirt or shorts or even into capris. You can you can convert your old sweater into a new style by simply unraveling the old one and re- knitting it. You can even dye a particular outfit in a new color or even sew a purse from patterned clothes.

Another interesting option for green fashion is to opt for a cloth swap between friends. You can exchange clothing items or accessories among friends so that it can offer a sense of newness to all of you without having to purchase stuff.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Global Warming Solution

The global warming is a term that is oft discussed with no visible signs of an effective global warming solution in the offing. However, it is imperative that we wake up to the fact as soon as possible and try addressing the serious concern of global warming now. While it is evident that the developed nations have a large responsibility in clearing off the mess that they had created in the first place, we cannot remain unconcerned either. Each of us needs to contribute in our own way towards the cause thus eliminating the carbon footprints from our atmosphere completely.

It is best to start by looking at the whole problem objectively. The green police pose the question: What is the most effective global warming solution? There are in fact, quite a few of them available. We can make walking a part of our lives which will help us to minimize the usage of harmful fossil fuels in our cars. The physical exercise will have an overall impact on our health as well. Planting trees or shrubs in our garden will enhance the greenery around us, thus, protecting us from the terribly polluted atmosphere outside. Using natural or recyclable materials in our day to day life will help us to find a global warming solution easily as well.

Environmental Politics

Several countries have established committees that look after the laws for the protection of the environmental after the conference held by the United Nations on the environment and its development in 1992. In the 21st century, most of the countries in the world have responded to the strain on the natural resources which were caused mainly due to their economic development, with a greener plan for development and urbanization that are based on a sound eco-friendly strategy. Now, most of these countries also take into consideration the possible safety and environmental impacts of their decisions, when dealing with projects for development and those concerning the management of these facilities.

But despite these measures to protect the environment, environmental politics pose a great threat to its application. This is particularly true for the countries that contribute to the maximum of damage to the environment due to their poor environmental policies but yet refuse to tow the line. According to the green police, these countries play an important role in the field of environmental politics and use their political might to bypass the main issues while continuing to pollute the environment with the emission of the harmful green house gases. In addition to these countries there are certain influential multinational companies that play a vital role in environmental politics. These companies continue to flout the laws and regulations regarding the environment to safeguard their own interests.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Environmental Degradation

The term environmental degradation is used to refer to the decline in the state of the natural environment owing to the contamination of soil, water and air, the extinction of wildlife, the decreasing reserves of fossil fuels and the deteriorating condition of the ecosystems. The United Nations constituent High Level Threat Panel has declared it as one of the ten threats to the existence of all living forms.

According to the green police, there are several reasons for environmental degradation. Human beings have not been judicious with their use of the natural reserves of fossil fuels and this has led to a vast drop in the fossil fuel reserves. Further exploitation of these sources can lead to their complete exhaustion.

Human activities have not spared forests and therefore led to the gradual waning of natural habitats of wild animals. Moreover indiscriminate hunting and poaching of wild animals for their meat and hide has also led to the extinction of some species of wildlife and brought others almost to the brink of destruction. These activities have had a huge impact on the natural ecosystems and have contributed to the overall environmental degradation.

The recent times have witnessed a widespread awareness about environmental degradation and there have been attempts to heal the damage to an extent.


Desertification is a worsening condition where the amount of precipitation and availability of water reduces to an extreme level. This condition is generally spotted in the dry sub humid areas and it is the climatic extremities that bring about such deteriorations. Chiefly the man made activities give rise to desertification in an area.

The obvious causes of desertification are over exploitation of ground water, deforestation, over grazing, salinity and bareness of land and excessive consumption of water in an area due to the increase of industries and population. The climates of the deserts are always extreme and mainly two types of deserts are found in the world namely the cold desert and the hot desert. Both plant and animal life is ill developed in the deserts. Desertification is a growing concern in the world today because more and more of land is loosing the nutrients and is turning out to be infertile. It is highly risky to allow the progression of desertification as these areas are nothing but waste lands.

Planting of trees would not only prevent soil leaching and salinity but also stop soil erosion. Methods of subsistence farming or slash and burn should be stopped. The green police urge that overgrazing should be avoided. Man made water supplying systems should be used instead of underground pumps. Desertification is considered to a serious threat to the biodiversity. Therefore the slaughter of trees should be the primary thing for mass scale reduction. Artificial enrichment of the soil is necessary in these extreme situations.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sustainable Living

Sustainable living promotes a lifestyle that aims to diminish the usage of natural resources and adopts a more environment friendly style of living. The idea of sustainable living is greatly correlated to the concept of sustainable development.

Sustainability implies making the present better without compromising on the resources that our future generations are going to bequeath. The green police encourage sustainable living and a life that reduces environmental degradation, reduces the use of natural resources, and preserves biodiversity and the ecological balance and so on.

Few of the things that are incorporated into sustainable living are use of renewable energy resources like solar energy and wind or hydro power energy, using alternative means of transportation that reduces the emission of carbon containing gas, recycling, reducing pollution of any kind.

Sustainable living requires understanding the symbiotic relationship that exists between the different organisms on the planet and conserving the species of living organisms to preserve the environmental balance.

Using sources of energy that replenish over time, making the environment greener and cleaner, allocating the resources appropriately so that sustainable development takes place over time are all a part of a sustainable lifestyle. They make our present cleaner and promise a cleaner and healthier environment in the future. Take part in the process of sustainable development and guarantee a better future to the forthcoming generations.

Organic Farming Practices

Organic farming
practices are the combination of the knowledge of ecology and technology with conventional farming methodologies based on natural biological processes. Organic farming methods are a part of Agro-ecology. While a traditional farmer uses synthetic fertilizers, the organic farmer uses natural pesticides and fertilizers.

Organic farming practices include organic pest control, green manures, crop rotation and mechanical cultivation. All these processes are used in the natural environment so that the agricultural productivity can be elevated.

One of the distinctive characteristics of organic farming is crop diversity which basically signifies growing multiple crops at the same place commonly known as Poly-culture. Implantation of various kinds of crops in the same area benefits insects and soil micro-organisms that add up to the health of the farm. The balance needs to be maintained and should be dealt with proper expertise of organic farming practices.

According to the green police, biodynamic farming is an extended procedure and is a kind of an organic farming system. There are various other kinds of approaches like agro-ecologic system which focuses on imbedded organic farming techniques.

Organic farming practises provide benefits like improvement of soil, pollination, fertilization, water conservation and season extension. These advantages create cumulative effect on the health of a farm.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Green Leaders

For a long period environmentalists have struggled to act against business executives who have always complained that the tremendous cost of cutting carbon emissions could hurt jobs and can negatively affect the profits. But after a long time some companies have found out that reducing greenhouse gas emission can make monetary sense.

According to the green police, many major companies find they are able to lower their carbon emissions and their cost at the same time implies that government regulations of greenhouse gas emissions may not be that expensive. On the other hand establishing more government regulations could speed up wider adoption of these corporate best practices, which in other cases would have taken years to spread across the economy.

The ability and willingness of the companies to cut down the rate of carbon emissions on their own suggests that conducting voluntary actions may be more effective than environmentalists have predicted. At this point, there is no necessity of governments heavy hands as it once seemed. The companies which are reducing their carbon emissions can be referred to as companies with green leaders.

The companies that have been able to cut down emissions and save money doing it at the same time are run by leaders who help foster the growing consensus among businesses that we find an economically and politically viable set of standards and the leaders who are setting the standards for other leaders to follow are green leaders.

Green Articles

With more and more people being educated about the impacts of climate change, global warming and such serious environmental crisis that are upshots of modernization, the use of green articles or products that are environmentally friendly are gaining popularity among most individuals who want to do their bit towards protecting the environment.

Green articles are also becoming popular in the corporate as well as the industrial sectors. The reason behind the popularity of the green articles is the fact that unlike other products these cause less harm to the environment as they are biodegradable. If you are wondering what biodegradable means, and why is it good? You need not worry. Biodegradation is a process that involves the breaking down of organic substances with the assistance of other organisms such as microbes or bacteria. Using products that are biodegradable is good for the environment because disposing off green articles do not generate any harmful by-products. Thus it helps in the management of waste and keeping the environment clean.

In addition using green articles also projects a positive image of the companies that choose to make use of environmentally friendly ingredients for building materials, for detergents, as cleaning agents, as materials for clothing or simply to carry our stuff. It shows to their customers that the company is in -tune with the needs of the time and is committed towards the cause of protecting the environment. The green police believe that it sends a strong message about the company’s corporate social response which the consumers find impressive.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Environmental Activist Group

Environmentalism is a social movement that strives to influence political thoughts and processes to protect the environment, natural resources, and the delicate ecosystems. An environmental activist group is spurred by this philosophy and its mission is to rid the world of the evils of global warming and climate change, initiate wildlife conservation efforts, and encourage practices to save the fast dwindling natural resources. The battered world of today needs environmentalism to breed roots and environmental activist groups to flourish like nothing else.

An environmental activist group employs various methods to achieve its mission–lobbying, organizing protest demonstrations, raising public awareness, and educating the masses about various environmental concerns. Their methods are non-violent in most instances; directly confrontational in some cases; and destructive like vandalizing property and forcibly releasing caged animals, in extremely rare cases.

According to the green police, an environmental activist group may be a global entity, a national, regional, or a local body. It may be funded by the government or a private non-governmental organization. Whoever be the authority, the group should owe allegiance solely to the causes at hand. Many environmental activist groups are at loggerheads with governments or corporate bodies over the many environmentally destructive practices advocated and practiced by the latter. So citizens of the world should pitch with their support as an environmental activist group takes on the challenge to make the planet green.

Eco Technologies

Eco technologies in other words refer to the technologies that are eco-friendly. The Go Green mantra has inspired individuals from various walks of life to contribute to the purpose of saving our planet. The use of eco technologies is an aspect of that initiative.

The development of eco technologies is based on the utilization of clean energy and the development of devices that are energy efficient. Therefore the consumers can enjoy numerous benefits like low power consumption and lower costs. The environment is greatly benefited as a result of less wastage, thereby leading to less pollution and the result is a clean and green environment.

The advocates for eco technology, including the green police, are many and there is no dearth of financing when it comes to devising new environmentally friendly products that even include gadgets. Going for an eco technologies and products indicate that you really care for your environment. Right from staying in a solar powered house to using a solar powered vehicle for movement, to using solar powered equipments of communication, you name it and eco technology has enabled it all for you. Green is the way to be and color your life with the eco technologies that symbolize sustainability and preservation.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Climate Change Concerns

Climate change concerns are global and are definitely one of the major issues of the modern world. It refers to the change in the climatic patterns of the globe. Research shows that climate change poses as a serious threat to the environment. Some of the effects of climate change are the gradual melting of polar caps, rise in the sea and ocean levels, subsequent floods, irregular precipitation hampering food production, etc.

The green police believe that awareness is the key to success when it comes to stopping climate change. Many nations have understood this and are taking steps to spread awareness about the cause, effect and possible ways to stop climate change. The most important thing necessary to forestall climate change is to cut down on the emission of greenhouse gases that contribute to the warming of the earth’s atmosphere.

Everyone needs to take up the responsibility of stopping climate change. You can do your part by adopting certain changes in your life. Choose to save resources; this could be done if you opt for reusable or recycled articles of daily use. You could use renewable sources of energy like solar or wind energy thus saving on the depleting non-renewable natural sources of energy.

The United Nations Environment Program works towards the goal of putting an end to the threat of climate change.

Extinct Endangered Animals

Planet Earth is home to diverse species of plants and animals. However the expansion of human civilization and the subsequent loss of habitat have pushed some of the animal species to the brink of extinction. Another major reason for the increase in the number of extinct endangered animals is the hunting and poaching that is carried on illegally.

The biodiversity of earth is quite amazing. The species of animals found in each part of the world are unique and need to be conserved in order to maintain the balance of nature. Let’s take note of some of the endangered animals on the brink of extinction:

Asian Tiger: Known for their beautiful skin and majestic behavior, these big cats were once found in abundance. However illegal poaching has brought their number down to only a few hundred.

Polar Bear: Found in the Arctic Region, these mammals have been hunted mindlessly for their beautiful hide, meat, and other body parts. This has led to the dwindling number of these creatures in the wild.

Koala: The loss of habitat and poaching has made the Koala one of the extinct endangered animals. An Eastern Australian inhabitant, the Koala is known for its soft fur, the reason behind its popularity as a prey.

The green police have stated apart from these, there are innumerable endangered species of animals that include cheetah, tapir, komodo dragon, chimpanzee, rhinoceros, and many others.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Saving Endangered Animals

Our predecessors thought that the resources of the planet were plentiful and therefore they could sustain generations to come for an indefinite period of time. However we cannot say so as we know that both the natural reserves of energy and various species of life are fast nearing extinction.

Although extinctions occur naturally, the current rate of extinction as proved by scientific evidence is considerably higher than what it has been in the past. The thing that has added to this loss is the extinction of natural habitats. The polluted environment, introduction of harmful exotic organisms (nonnative) and the exploitation of the wildlife for commercial benefits pose a significant threat to several species of animals.

Saving endangered animals is the top priority of environmentalists round the globe. Animals and plants form an integral part of our ecosystems and human beings are greatly dependant on them for food, purification of the air and the cleaning of water. The green police believe that saving endangered animals is necessary for maintaining the balance of the ecosystems. For example the northern spotted owl, found in Canada and parts of Oregon in USA was identified as threatened specie in the early 1990s. This has been attributed to the gradual loss of the forests in the Pacific Northwest region which serve as the habitat for more than 100 different species due to unsustainable forest management.

Saving endangered animals is necessary so that the forthcoming generations can see them and realize their value.

Green Environment

What is green environment? If the balance of all components of the earth is maintained well the result would be a green environment. According to the green police, environment may be defined as the things that occur naturally on our planet. This includes both living and non-living things. Enhancing the green component, i.e. the green plants, of the earth is sure to help in achieving a green environment.

The initial balance of nature was affected by the rapid development of the human race and the subsequent clearing of the forest making way for human habitat. The green environment was further affected by pollution. These have adversely affected the balance of nature and are sure to have immediate and far-reaching consequences. The chief concern of the modern world centers on this particular issue.

There are definite ways in which the green environment can be achieved. The earth could retain its green environment if each individual is aware of his or her responsibility towards their home. The focus should be on reducing the consumption of things that require plant resources for manufacturing. Take for example, paper; it is one of the common articles of use and is made from plants.

Only reduction of use won’t be of help; you need to reuse and recycle as well. This would ensure that trees are not felled at random. Only then would it be possible to achieve the objective of a green environment.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Environmental Problems

The green police state that Environmental problems can be of many types like physical, chemical, biological, mechanical and psychosocial. The physical problems are caused by environmental processes like volcanism, solar effect, plate movements and so on. The chemical problems are both natural and human imposed. Natural processes like exfoliation, rust, biodegradation and several others are part of the environmental phenomenon but the anthropogenic effects like acid rain, ozone hole are widely creating environmental problems.

These causations are damaging several heritage buildings of the world and disturbing the overall balance of the nature. The stratospheric ozone layer protects life on earth and its progressive depletion by almost 70% is ushering environmental problems in the form of fatal health issues in the mostly human and few in animals. The increase of carbon di-oxide is creating difficulties like global warming, temperature imbalances, reduction of oxygen gas.

The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 of Australia was taken to look after the heritage properties, threatened communities and species, migrating species, wetlands,etc. Such acts are seriously researching the better ways to combat the Environmental Problems. Endangerment has become uncontrollable for many species. Aquatic population is interfered negatively because of the decrement in the number of planktons. Harmful emissions from the factories are polluting the air everyday and causing dangerous environmental problems.

Environmental Activism Groups

Protecting the environment has been the topic of debates raging around the globe for quite some time. However, most of the world has seen light and have come together in order to save the earth from the disastrous effects of an unduly polluted atmosphere. This has been made possible due to the untiring efforts of a handful of environmental activism groups such as the green police. The effort is highly commendable all the more so because it had to fight against the powerful lobby of industrialists who were keen to continue with the rapid industrialization process unhindered.

The environmental activism groups continued unabated with the singular aim of preserving the environment for future generations. The biofuel as a form of alternate energy as well as the organic food grown by natural means helped to influence the common people of the beneficial effects of the movement. The movement gained ground as a majority of the governments around the world began to take notice and formulate regulations that aimed at cleaning up the environment. The Earth Day that was observed on April 22, 1970 by the environmental activism groups tried to inform the general people on the dangers of continuing to pollute the environment without paying heed to the perils of future.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Endangered Animals Info

The cries of the homeless will move you to tears. The look of fear in the eyes of one hunted will send a chill down your spine. Endangered animals info is heart-rending and terrifying, all at the same time. Deforestation and widespread climate changes lead to loss of habitat and food source for the wild animals. Poaching and the practice of using animal body parts in traditional forms of medicine have led to animal populations dwindling all over the world.

Take a look at these endangered animals info nuggets. There are more than 1,000 species of endangered animals worldwide. The lists brought out by the various wildlife conservation agencies state that there are more than 6,500 threatened species of vertebrates and about 2,000 threatened species of invertebrates. They list 253 species of fish as critically endangered. Throughout the course of history of the world, 38 species of mammals are known to have become extinct.

About 50 percent of all animals in the world dwell in tropical rainforests. These forests themselves are facing a massive loss in numbers and acreage. And hence all the animals living here are threatened to some degree or the other due to loss of habitat and food source.

The green police state that endangered animals info is true and it is chilling even to imagine what these statistics take a turn for if we do not step up our conservation efforts.

Climate Change Effects

From the very beginning, people worldwide began burning more coal and oil for their homes, factories and transportation. Combustion of these fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These added greenhouse gases have caused Earth to warm more quickly than it has in the past.

According to the green police, Scientists from around the world with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report shows that during the last 100 years, the world’s surface air temperature increased an average of 0.6 degree Celsius. This may not look too much change, but even a degree can affect the Earth in a great way.

The sea level is rising and it rose to about 6 inches due to melting ice of the glaciers and expansion of warmer seawater. Many experts predict that sea level may rise as much as 23 inches during the 21st Century, threatening the coastal communities, coral reefs and wetlands. Warmer temperatures have led to more intense rainfall in many areas which results in flood. High temperature is the cause of higher rate of evaporation and more droughts in some areas of the world. The ecosystem is changing drastically and this has led to the vulnerable endangered species to move to cooler areas or die. The change has also resulted in the timing of the seasons and extension period of the seasons.